This was the first line I ground to tier X, and is still my overall favorite. Akizuki and Kitakaze are little fire-spewing monsters, and I’m more of a cruiser player anyways.ĬLs/CAs: German. That precision strike and high skill level which rewards you greatly is very Japanese, so I stick with IJN CVs.ĭDs: IJN gunboat line. It's more like a samurai sword and mastery of the weapon, than spray-and-pray US or UK planes with HE bombs and rockets (although Tiny Tims also require more skills to hit anything).

AP bombers require precise drop (same as GE CVs). Planes are more fragile and one need be more considerate how to use them. T4-T8 have better torps, better bombs, and decent HE rockets to hunt down DDs. But if T10 is a destination, and the rest of the tiers is the journey, then I'd pick IJN CVs. Here's the difficult part: mid-tiers and top tier games are very different. And they're required to complete some of the campaign missions. Limited repairs: probably patching holes in a ship with her heroic crew until they run out of men. No gimmicks, very basic and sturdy ships, good at punching holes in other battleships. They reward good positioning and punish mistakes. But in THIS GAME they come up very strong. They're as historic as Pokemons in Roman Empire. Everything else are paper projects and wild fantasies of WG Devs. Sneaking on a BB from around the corner and delivering devastating strike is a pleasure unavailable to US CLs. If I must pick only one I'd go with UK because of torps. Depending on the matchmaking and map one could perform a bit better than the other. UK has torps and smoke, US has better guns and AA. But in UK line there are more fun to play ships (all good except T3, T5 and T9, vs US - good ships start at T7+). Not picking them because they've got slower torps, lower HP and weak AA at mid- and higher tiers.ĬA/CLs: Here I'm almost on a fence: UK CL or US CL line. UK DDs are very close second, starting from T6 they become really fun to play. But it's a victory by points, not by a knockout. There are DDs that do something else done better than US, but generally US DDs for me deliver consistent results.

Although T5-T6 are not fun at all, and T10 is hardly better that T9, I find most of US DDs easy to play. one destroyer, one cruiser, one battleship and one aircraft carrier line, all the way to T10. If you're to pick just 4 lines of each tech tree ship class, what would they be and why? I.e. This topic is old as WOWS itself, but with each rework and recently added IT BB line let do a quick refresher.