Start with a covered mine field of square tiles and clear the field by tapping one square at a time. If you like old classic games such as Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Solitaire, Freecell as well as classic puzzle games like Sudoku, Tetris, and Crossword Puzzles then this game is for you! Minesweeper free features: - Variable minefield.

The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden 'mines' or landmine without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring landmine in each field. Monitor your progress with the brand new stats tracker to keep tabs on your progress and try to beat your best times! This retro minesweeper game is just like the original and provides great fun. is one of the most interesting logic games. The game is simple, try to avoid the bombs to clear the minefield to win the game! Strategy and logic are needed to navigate the multiple levels of difficulty. Minesweeper is a classic, throwback PC game that provides hours of fun - plus this version has no Ads or Advertisements & is great for iPad! Play Minesweeper on iPhone & iPad, Without the Ads!